Canadian C ILF Stream & Wetland Mitigation Site 1 - Little River
Seminole County, Oklahoma
The Littler River Mitigation Site is Terra Foundation's first approved mitigation site within the Canadian C Service Area. This mitigation site is being constructed in two phases. The first phase is a 79-acre mitigation site along tributaries to the Little River and compensates for authorized impacts to wetlands and streams throughout the Little Watershed (HUC 11090203) in central Oklahoma.
This mitigation site was significantly altered by channelizing and impounding multiple tributaries for agricultural use. An agricultural levee was also constructed along a single intermittent that has reduced floodplain connectivity throughout the site. In addition, much of the riparian corridor was removed and converted to agricultural pasture.
To address the impairments at the site, a number of restoration efforts are being undertaken, including:
Restoration or enhancement of over 50 acres of riparian and upland buffers.
Restoration or establishment of over 9 acres of forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands.
Enhancement of an additional acre of forested and emergent wetlands.
Improved floodplain connectivity on the incised intermittent tributary by breaching the farm levee in multiple locations and installing rock grade controls to raise the stream bed.
Restored normal sinuosity and channel dimensions to the two channelized ephemeral streams