Terra Foundation, Inc. is a registered not-for-profit corporation that was first incorporated in 1999 with the purpose of educating the public on the importance of native vegetation and proliferating its use in engineering, water resources and landscape projects. Our mission is to proliferate restoration, creation, rehabilitation, enhancement, and preservation of aquatic resources and wildlife habitat in order to enhance the chemical, physical and biological health of aquatic natural resources. The board of directors of the Terra Foundation consists of scientists, natural resources managers, attorneys, and financial services professionals with expertise in the fields of soils science, stream and wetland ecology, real estate acquisition, environmental permit compliance, and financial management. The President and In-Lieu Fee Program Director is Craig Gump.

Craig is a Professional Wetland Scientist and the Director of the Terra Foundation In-Lieu Fee Stream & Wetland Mitigation Program for the State of Oklahoma. He has earned BS and MS degrees in the fields of Biology, is a past president of the Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists, and has over 15 years of experience in the assessment, design, development, construction, monitoring, and maintenance requirements of Clean Water Act Section 404 compensatory mitigation projects through employment with regional and national environmental consulting firms. He is also trained in wetland delineation, Section 404 permitting, and various endangered species evaluations.